Full Press Release
EuroTechTalk #2: Green Additive Manufacturing through Innovative Beam Shaping and Process Monitoring
In this EuroTechTalk, Professor Katrin Wudy (Technical University of Munich) and Professor Fadi Kizel (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology) present the cutting-edge research they would like to conduct with 8 other partners in the newly funded EU project InShaPe. The overall aim of the InShaPe project is to develop and demonstrate in different industrial use cases (energy, aerospace and automotive) a novel first-time-right Powder Bed Fusion Process of Metals using Laser Beam (PBF-LB/M). The novel PBF process will be underpinned by two technical innovations: (i) the flexible adaptation of laser beam shapes tailored to the material/geometry of the printed parts (enabled by a first-of-a-kind optical module for beam shaping enhanced with AI-techniques to determine the right beam shapes); and (ii) the multispectral in-line process monitoring and control system (enabled by transferring know-how from the multispectral analysis domain into additive manufacturing). InShaPe will disrupt the manufacturing sector by helping to turn PBF-LB/M from a niche into a mainstream manufacturing technology.